The unsolicited comments that can be fired at the vulnerable pregnant woman exposed.
It is a strange yet wondrous time being pregnant. For the first few months I got to treasure the miracle of a life growing inside me privately because I wasn't showing yet.
Fast forward to six months, and three weeks. My doctor warned me. "When you start showing you will become public property". Too right she was. The world has their eyes on you as you waddle past, with that titled walk that only those "showing" share. Apparently `'just looking" isn't a concept for those on the outer, witnessing the pregnant woman's changing shape.
Sure there are compliments. Some women DO glow and look radiant. But a lot of pregnant women are tired and cranky and uncomfortable - somehow the glow gets lost amongst all that. It seems the next best place to focus on is her shape. Now people - tread carefully here. Remember emotionally a pregnant women is experiencing a state that is not dissimilar to permanent PMS. And you are dealing with WOMEN. Those creatures who whether they care to be honest about it or not have at some point in their lives worried about their figure. So when a woman is pregnant and suffering in this permanent state of PMS - would you, REALLY, think it was wise to comment on this woman's shape? There are a number of no-no comments and actions that the average pregnant woman may find unamusing or even unoriginal. 1."You're huge/big"
2."You've grown since I last saw you"
3."Are you expecting twins?"
4."Are you sure you got your due date right?"
5." You could never tell that such and such was pregnant when SHE was six months."
6."Mimicking a pregnant women waddling
7."Exaggerating how much space is needed for her to get by
8."Patting the bump like it's your pet dog
Number 5 is my favourite. Note - EVERYONE knows some size 8 whippet who barely showed in her pregnancy. So you will get compared to her. Whether you are a curvey size 12 like myself or just simply shaped in your own unique way.
No two pregnant women are the same. Just as we are shaped differently before we are pregnant it doesn't change WHEN pregnant. Why would I suddenly get the figure of Claudia Schiffer when pregnant?! I was curvey to begin with so of course when with child, I will remain curvey!
For the most part I am embracing my ever-changing shape. I LOVE that no two pregnant women look alike. I go to antenatal yoga classes and looking around, I can see the pregnant glow - the beauty in every woman in the class. It is only in these classes that I can forget my own shape as we focus on our yoga moves. Suddenly the pregnant shape becomes irrelevant.
As pregnant women though it has to be remembered that most people are trying to come from a good place with their well-meaning comments and actions. Perhaps they think we like to focus on the fact that we are pregnant as pointing out our changing shape may be the only way they know how to connect with us. So I try to take it with a grain of salt. And I will continue to bite my own tongue around any pregnant women that I know…
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