Sunday, 29 April 2007

Getting The Balance Right

"New Mum On The Block "
Nelson District Parent Centre Newsletter March/April 2006

As a singleton in the work force, I used to recommend that coworkers not talk to me before 10am because I simply wasn't a morning person. After a sausage roll and a cup of tea loaded with sugar, I was normally able to string a few words together at morning tea time. However I learnt quite early in the piece that with motherhood there just isn't that guaranteed quiet cup of tea in the morning. So a walk first thing in the morning with Amelia in her buggy is the time where I get my personal space to revive and start the day fresh. I also spend a few quiet minutes journaling every night as a way of letting go of the day positively.

I divide my time in three ways - me time, us (husband and wife) time and our (the whole family) time. If one of these areas isn't given the attention it needs; the other areas will undoubtedly be affected.

Nurturing me time is essential to my sanity and my family's. Just ask my husband. If I don't get enough exercise, alone time or space to nurture my creativity - I'm a grump. I work two nights a week. Mingling with other staff reminds me that I am more than a mum. Even though most nights the other mums and I end up talking about kids. And child birth. Much to the horror of the only male occasionally rostered on night shift.

Us time is still a work-in-progress with hubby and I. We have family meals together, go for walks in the weekend and catch the occasional movie when Nana is in town. At eleven months Amelia isn't a threat to conversation but as she's on the brink of toddlerhood; that will change. Soon us time will need to be rethought.
Our time is simply spending time together as a family whether it be hanging out at home, at the park or at the beach.

We've just got back from a family trip to Sydney. Even within a holiday it was a matter of finding the right balance so that the whole family could have a good time. We managed to attend a wedding, hang out with extended family, catch up with friends as well as have some family time and us time. Every morning I went for a walk with Amelia so I got in my me time. Nana looked after Amelia while we were at the wedding and reception so hubby and I had our first evening out together in at least a year! It was like a date that we needed - nothing like a few eighties classics to dust off the dancing cobwebs.

Getting the balance right for us was a matter of prioritising our family values. The house and material possessions will always be out there. But the first few precious years of Amelia's life won't be. Sure I could have probably managed more hours in the workforce to get us to our financial goals a little faster but at what price? To miss out on this amazing first year that has unfolded before my eyes. It was a family decision that I work just casually in the first few years of Amelia's life. Even me working eight hours a week puts a bit of a strain on family life as it means hubby is looking after Amelia two nights a week on top of working fulltime and sometimes overtime. But it works for us. We just have enough time to smell the roses. And that's what's important to us.

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