What was I thinking?

Some may think our weekdays are somewhat over-scheduled as we have an activity to go to every morning. Monday is a play-date, Tuesday is playgroup, Wednesday is gymnastics, Thursday is playgroup and Friday is music. We are never usually out for more than two hours at a time and come home for a late morning nap. (yes, both of us!) Sometimes we may go to the park or beach,run an errand in the afternoons or our big afternoon adventure might be walking to the dairy to get some milk. Or we may just chill at home.
The point is, I'm a Mum who needs to get out of the house at least once a day. I need the stimulation and social connections the world outside our two-bedroomed home provides. Amelia needs it too. Although we enjoy the comfort, warmth and security our loving home gives us, we need to get out sometimes.
This was certainly proven yesterday.
It started off well. Amelia did play independently for a good forty-five minutes or so. And then she was into the cupboards. Obviously she'd witnessed me boiling an egg recently and so out came the pot and an egg went in. I watched nervously wondering where this "game" was heading while contemplating whether I should just nip it in the bud then and there or encourage creative play, while supervising from a safe distance. I chose the latter approach. So the one egg in the pot ended up being the whole contents of the egg tray in the pot. And then they all had to go back into the fridge again. And then back into the pot. You get the picture...
It seems Amelia is going through a stage of wanting to imitate life as she sees it. And so bedding was pulled out from the linen cupboard and I was pulled to the ground in her bedroom as she strategically placed a sheet over me. Just days before her Dad had been camped on the floor and I was in Amelia's double bed when family were visiting in town (they had our room).
It is great and encouraging to see that our two year old wants to help out around the house so much. Yet every attempt to help results in a bigger mess than what was there before.
So this Thursday, at home all day with my two year old, I did tackle a few domestic chores from dishes to laundry only to have little hands wanting to rewash dishes I'd already cleaned or items of clothing hung on to the clothes-horse that hadn't been washed. The egg-game continued throughout the day as did the bed-game. A number of other messes occurred around the house that I've chosen to block from my memory for now.
All I know is, a whole day at home is rare for us. We did end up with egg on the floor by the end of the day. But at least it wasn't on my face!
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